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  In 2016 there was a pandemic virus that  would   turn  humans  into  flesh-eating zombies .  Th e  virus   had started in  an unknown  place .  The   virus   had been spread by animals to humans. But  suddenly after the cold calm winter,  it  spread until  America ,  where I used to sta y for more than a decade.  It was 9:00 AM when I had gone to the supermarket.  My parents are confident about me, so the used to let me go walking to  the supermarket  just to buy some groceries , but whenever needed.  The surroundings looked a little dull and empty. I could see a lot of  soldiers roaming around with  their  armed vehicles . I started getting  goosebumps,  but I  don’t  know why .    Suddenly  I started hearing gun firings. I  suddenly  paused for  some time , waiting for something  bad to happen.  I felt as if the gun firings took place  50km’s ahead. I fe lt as if  something  bad was going to happen, so I rushed home as quickly as possible.  On my way home, I started hearing people