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Showing posts with the label A Fly in My MASH POTATOES !!


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It was an exquisite evening, I decided to eat in an adorn and extravagant restaurant. The moment I took a step inside it felt like heaven. The sound of the plates made me feel tempted, the faint smell of the food made me feel irresistible. This restaurant offers family-style. Most people come for the family-style, so I chose the family-style. For family-style, you'll sit at a long table with multiple eat with other people and eat family-style passing the non-ending bowls of food around the table. The meal includes chicken pizza, fried chicken, corn, mashed potatoes, and chicken. There are 5 different types of desserts including apple pie, orange pie, and ice cream. In fact, I am not really a fan of apple pie. The orange ice cream tasted as good as heaven. My favourite dish is mash potatoes; they were literally cooking the mash potatoes in front of my eyes the flames were rising as big as the length of a snake. The chef finished cooking he served it to me and walked away. The mash p