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Zombies Are Coming mod for Men of War: Assault Squad - Mod DB

In 2016 there was a pandemic virus that would turn humans into flesh-eating zombiesThe virus had started in an unknown placeThe virus had been spread by animals to humans. But suddenly after the cold calm winter, it spread until America, where I used to stay for more than a decade. It was 9:00 AM when I had gone to the supermarket. My parents are confident about me, so the used to let me go walking to the supermarket just to buy some groceries, but whenever needed. The surroundings looked a little dull and empty. I could see a lot of soldiers roaming around with their armed vehicles. I started getting goosebumps, but I don’t know why 

Suddenly I started hearing gun firings. I suddenly paused for some time, waiting for something bad to happen. I felt as if the gun firings took place 50km’s ahead. I felt as if something bad was going to happen, so I rushed home as quickly as possible. On my way home, I started hearing people screaming, it sounded as if some screams in an amusement park. But who would ever do that unnecessarily? 

I could see a group of men running towards me. At that moment I started running as fast as Usain Bolt. The group of men were trying to tell me something, so I quickly stopped for a while. “run for your life!!!, they’re coming!!, ZOMBIES!!!!, RUNNNN”, said one of the men, who was running towards me. 

I finally reached home in time. “where are all the items, that I told you to bring”, my parents said, calmly. I quickly started to tell my parents what happened on my way to the supermarket. My parents started to panic. “c’mon what are you all waiting for, pack up, pack up, it’s time to evacuate this place!!!!”, my father told, panicking. By god’s grace, we had an SUV that was good for off-roading, you can imagine how does it look like? 

We quickly grabbed our passports and survival stuff like A big 8-inch butcher knife, a cricket bat, hockey bat and all the food that was stored in the storeroom. We stuffed all the items inside our vehicle as quickly as we can. We drove off, my father was driving fast. This was the first time my father was driving like a Paul Walker in the Fast and Furious. 

We suddenly landed in a highway with huge endless traffic. A police officer came towards our car with his police bike. He started knocking the window telling us to run towards the army vehicles. SUDDENLY a gigantic lorry which was in its high speed crushed him to death. We all got worried about what’s happening. 

My father suddenly started following the lorry. At this moment I felt as if it’s the end of the world. As my father was driving in a high speedhe lost control of the car and crashed brutally. Our car rolled over three times, I suddenly felt unconscious. I opened my eyes; everything was kind of a blur. I again looked around the car hoping that everyone was safe. I checked whether my parents were breathing or not, but sadly they weren’t. I was heartbroken, I started crying endlessly 

One of the army men pulled me out of the car. He carried me until the survivors’ helicopter. I didn’t know that I was bleeding. I didn’t even feel a little bit of pain.  

The helicopter took off. “did you get bit by a zombie, did you?”, said the soldier, politely. “no, I didn’t, I'm bleeding because I and my parents were victims in a brutal car crash”, I replied, in a sad manner. The soldier asked, desperately "why are you sad?” I replied(crying) “my parents died in the crash”. 

“c’mon, you’re a man, you should be having a strong heart,” said the soldier, confidently. The helicopter landed in the survivor camp. “welcome to the survivors camp, now you are also counted as a survivor in this camp” said the army, bravely. I finally felt a little bit of relief, but except for the fact that my parent’s death. 


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