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Showing posts with the label LOCKDOWN EXPERIENCES


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Michael aged 5 explains what lockdown means to him. “We have to stay at home because of the virus. It’s home learning every day. I see my friends on Zoom, like daddy has his work meetings. I like being at home because I can play with my cat.” Indie aged 14 talks about his experiences of lockdown. “At first it was annoying, because all my friends are at school. But I have to stay at home, it’s not a choice. I’m sharing a room with my younger brother.” “My school uses Google classrooms, it’s alright because they put videos to explain it. We can email teachers. Hopefully it doesn’t affect GCSEs next year.” “Sometimes it worries me. Seeing people in masks, it’s a bit weird and people need to stop sitting in the park. There’s loads of people with picnic blankets and that’s not allowed.” “I exercise on my bike and there was a bunch of police officers that passed me and one of them stopped and shouted at me for being selfish for being on my bike. It was embarrassing because there were other p