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Friends, have you ever questioned yourselves about what all your family has done for you? There is nothing they haven’t done to see you happy even the toughest of the times... what hasn’t our family done for us? Warm hugs, support in difficult times, delicious food....and the list can go on forever. My fellow friends, the sacrifices our family has made for us is just indispensable and we should be thankful to them. The family is your blood and they are the people who accept you for who you are, who would do anything to see you smile and who love you no matter what. The family is one and only place where your life begins and love never end. You may have lots of people in your life, but you won’t find a single person who cares the most exactly same as your parents. Family is the most important and valuable gift that god has given us. It is the first lesson in relationships with others. Family is really an important word. It means to feel secure, to have someone who you can count on, whom you can share your problems with. But it also means to have respect for each other and responsibility.


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Sewa Day  is an international day of volunteering, held numerous times per years. It is inspired by the concept of selfless service. Sewa , also  Seva , is short for the word  Kar Seva , which is derived from the  Sanskrit  words  kar , meaning hands or work, and  seva , meaning service. Sewa Day was launched in 2010 by a nonprofit of the same name, a charity registered in  England  &  Wales . Participating groups have organised Sewa Day volunteering projects in; old peoples’ homes, homeless shelters, schools in disadvantaged areas, hospitals and hospices, parks, conservation areas and farms. [13] In 2013, over 75,000 volunteers took part in over 25 countries resulting in more than 561,000 volunteering hours. Sewa Day has taken place in the following countries: Asia :  China ,  Indonesia ,  Malaysia ,  Singapore ,  Australia ,  New Zealand ,  India ,  Pakistan ,  Nepal Europe :  Russia ,  United Kingdom ,  Ireland ,  Finland ,  Denmark ,  Spain ,  Portugal Middle East :  United Ara