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Ferruccio Lamborghini , an Italian  manufacturing magnate , founded Automobili Ferruccio Lamborghini S.p.A. in 1963 to compete with established marques, including  Ferrari . The company was noted for using a  rear mid-engine, rear-wheel drive . Lamborghini grew rapidly during its first decade, but sales plunged in the wake of the  1973 worldwide financial downturn  and the  oil crisis . The firm's ownership changed three times after 1973, including a bankruptcy in 1978. American  Chrysler Corporation  took control of Lamborghini in 1987 and sold it to Malaysian investment group Mycom Setdco and Indonesian group V'Power Corporation in 1994. In 1998, Mycom Setdco and V'Power sold Lamborghini to the Volkswagen Group where it was placed under the control of the group's Audi division. New products and model lines were introduced to the brand's portfolio and brought to the market and saw an increased productivity for the brand. In the late 2000s, during the  worldwide fin


Sewa Day  is an international day of volunteering, held numerous times per years. It is inspired by the concept of selfless service. Sewa , also  Seva , is short for the word  Kar Seva , which is derived from the  Sanskrit  words  kar , meaning hands or work, and  seva , meaning service. Sewa Day was launched in 2010 by a nonprofit of the same name, a charity registered in  England  &  Wales . Participating groups have organised Sewa Day volunteering projects in; old peoples’ homes, homeless shelters, schools in disadvantaged areas, hospitals and hospices, parks, conservation areas and farms. [13] In 2013, over 75,000 volunteers took part in over 25 countries resulting in more than 561,000 volunteering hours. Sewa Day has taken place in the following countries: Asia :  China ,  Indonesia ,  Malaysia ,  Singapore ,  Australia ,  New Zealand ,  India ,  Pakistan ,  Nepal Europe :  Russia ,  United Kingdom ,  Ireland ,  Finland ,  Denmark ,  Spain ,  Portugal Middle East :  United Ara

Life for asylum seekers in lockdown on the US-Mexico border

With all immigration into the US suspended because of the coronavirus pandemic, many asylum seekers are trapped in dangerous Mexican border cities. Activists fear that court dates are being indefinitely postponed and claims for asylum simply dismissed without their day in court. In the meantime, the situation inside the shelters and on the streets of Tijuana is steadily getting worse. source:


Michael aged 5 explains what lockdown means to him. “We have to stay at home because of the virus. It’s home learning every day. I see my friends on Zoom, like daddy has his work meetings. I like being at home because I can play with my cat.” Indie aged 14 talks about his experiences of lockdown. “At first it was annoying because all my friends are at school. But I have to stay at home, it’s not a choice. I’m sharing a room with my younger brother.” “My school uses Google classrooms, it’s alright because they put videos to explain it. We can email teachers. Hopefully it doesn’t affect GCSEs next year.” “Sometimes it worries me. Seeing people in masks, it’s a bit weird and people need to stop sitting in the park. There’s loads of people with picnic blankets and that’s not allowed.” “I exercise on my bike and there was a bunch of police officers that passed me and one of them stopped and shouted at me for being selfish for being on my bike. It was embarrassing because there were other pe